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Let's play with words… On the farm, The essential vocabulary
Date de publication
Let's play with words

Let's play with words… On the farm

The essential vocabulary


Let's play with words

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9789616929752
    • Fichier EPUB à mise en page fixe, avec Marquage en filigrane

  • Aide EAN13 : 9789616929752
    • Fichier EPUB, libre d'utilisation
From 4 years old

Discover all the vocabulary related to the farm and memorise it thanks to
thorough descriptions and detailed pictures!

The “Let's play with words” collection gathers illustrated ebooks for
children, which aim to make them learn essential words on varied topics.


The chickens in the farmyard peck at grains. The cockerel wakes up everyone on
the farm in the morning by crowing. The chicken family sleeps in the hen house
during the nights, where it keeps safe from foxes. They love to snack on a
chunky chicken. The farmer's wife gathers the eggs that the hens have laid.
When the hen sits on the eggs, we say that she is hatching them. After three
weeks, chicks hatch from the eggs.


"Let's play with words" is a fun collection of e-books that promotes literacy
and vocabulary acquisition on popular subjects taken from the world around us.
Each book includes several short chapters on the subject at hand aimed at
learning specific words through pictures, and includes the fully written texts
as a guide at the back. For more advanced practice, young readers can also
make up their own stories by following the pictures only, in such a way
consolidating their vocabulary using their own words. The books are a useful
source of learning specific vocabulary for native English speakers as well as
learners of English – of all ages !

In the "Let's play with words" series :
• The Birds
• The Bees
• In the garden
• On the road
• In the forest


Darinka Kobal began her career as a teacher at secondary level. After a
fateful encounter with a bear, which left her with a severely injured hand,
she had to give up teaching. In order to not lose touch with children, she
began to write fairy tales. She has been delighting young readers with her
tales throughout Slovenia for many years now.

Polona Kosec is an illustrator working in illustration and character design
for children’s books and magazines, as well as short commercial animation. In
that sense, as she says herself, she is still a little girl creating magical
worlds with colours.


Okaši is a Slovenian publisher with a vibrant programme.
At every turn, nature reveals its new face and discloses a myriad of secrets.
This is why we have devoted a special place to it in our publishing house. We
are the creators of books that delight curious children and their parents in
their discoveries of nature : in the home garden and the nearby park, but also
further afield, in the fields and forests.
At Okaši we keep pace with the times which is why have embarked upon several
electronic editions of our books. We have added sound to these publications
and hence a new dimension to the contents already there.
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