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Climate Technologies as Emergency Solutions, The role(s) of International Law
Graduate Institute Publications
Date de publication
eCahiers de l’Institut

Climate Technologies as Emergency Solutions

The role(s) of International Law

Graduate Institute Publications

eCahiers de l’Institut

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782940600359
    • Fichier PDF, libre d'utilisation
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    • Lecture en ligne, lecture en ligne
This paper discusses large-scale technologies, which are proposed as emergency
solutions for avoiding catastrophic climate change. Their use is highly
controversial, notably because of risks of large-scale environmental damage
and the danger of distracting from other climate policies. Some of these
technologies are known as geoengineering or climate engineering. This paper
examines stratospheric aerosol injection, ocean fertilisation, and artificial
islands as case studies. As the analysis of the rules of international law
relevant to these three technologies shows, international law takes on
different and partly conflicting roles towards such technologies. Nonetheless,
a strong precautionary legal core opposing risky technological endeavours can
be identified. However, there is a danger of this precautionary stance of
international law being diluted by research and new regulation that make
emergency technologies appear as viable policy options. International law does
not currently safeguard against the promise of such technologies distracting
from mitigation and adaptation. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the
Vahabzadeh Foundation for financially supporting the publication of best works
by young researchers of the Graduate Institute, giving a priority to those who
have been awarded academic prizes for their master’s dissertations.
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